Saturday, July 3, 2010

11 miles, 57 minutes

Hallelujah! A comfortable ride, albeit short! I realized that I just don't enjoy going out on the road like I have to when I ride from home.

So Big Valley and Couger Hollow are the routes I'm gonna stick with until I can get my seat time back up to 20+ miles.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Nothing fancy

10.3 miles from home... 90º, 6 pm.... UGH! so out of shape!!! have gained 8 pounds (no surprise here... ate buffets for a week!) enjoyed every bite of the overweight, though. Saddle doing well so far...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

11.5 miles, 63 minutes

Yesterday, that is. But I did it! Okay, so today I'm sitting on my butt again but I'm NOT going to nap so I should be able to get up pretty well tomorrow. I napped yesterday after the ride so I had a tough time getting to sleep last nite. I DID wake up and get outta bed by 7;30.

I rode out from Dennis Church west of FM1189. It was 9 am when I started. Ouch, my leg muscles sure let me know I didn't stretch the day before. It was pretty okay.

Crotch: never hurt after 11 miles! Success (so far). I tipped the saddle ever so slightly forward. I'm keeping everything the same until after the next ride. We'll see, but I'm encouraged.

The west route was heavenly, as it's the shadiest route I have. Still so SLOW!! I even checked my brake pads to make sure they weren't rubbing the wheel, cuz I swear I was so slow .... averaged 10 mph. Sheeez! Looks like it'll be NEXT year before I can join any group rides. That's ok.

So today is a rest day. Right. Very emotional being Father's Day. It's all good.

Friday, June 18, 2010

11 miles, 63 min

I did it! It wasn't pretty, but I did it. I rode just under 11 miles in a little less than an hour. I left way too late in the morning, 10:30 am ... about 91º. While on the road, the temp on my bike computer read up to 108º .... obviously a combination of the ambient temp mixed with the heat off the road and the enormous heat that had to be pouring off my huge, hot body! Definitely not hot as in, oolala... a hot chick!!

One of the best parts was afterwards. I was so amazingly HOT, so I got the garden hose out and proceeded to have a wonderfully playful time with it.

I predict that I'll be basically worthless the rest of the day!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

the function rule is y = X + 4

I can't believe that I've been sitting here for 4 hours; not posting anything in this blog for 8 days, and DAMMIT I've lost my calendar that had my biking logs... so I'm not sure how long it's been since I've ridden, but let's continue with the additive thing happening here... and say that it's been 12 days since I've ridden.

I still always fight this depression thing... this inability to move from a spot... I have to get going, although it's already 9 pm so guess it'll be tomorrow that my get get's going. Too often is contingent on how I'm feeling about how I perceive others are feeling about me... geezus. Thank goodness this is my little personal blog and not facebook.

It's still so hard to know that my blog is next door to my former friend's blog... still breaks my heart. I'm so grateful that I can keep up in a tiny way with how they're doing through this place.

Tomorrow's the last day of my teacher workshop. It's been okay. But I will feel like my summer has really begun after tomorrow... no houseguests and no school commitments.

Let's remember, my dear Cathy, how good life is; sounding a little whiney here. Grin.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday morning going down....

I'm not really down, just hit me though... reading a friend's blog and knowing that I still care so much about this person, but they've blocked me from their life due to just stupidness on my part.. well, and on theirs. Because if they'd really been my friend, they'd have known that I'm such a good person I would never say or do anything intentionally to hurt or make anyone feel uncomfortable. But alas, we weren't friends long enough for them to really know me. I just seemed to be this shallow, chatty, irritating woman. "Alas" is a good word. I'll always care and wish for their happiness and good health. Alas.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last Day with Kids Eve

Well, it's here... the night before the last HALF day with kids. I know, I know... no sympathy for me from anyone (not that anyone other than me is reading this! Ha). This year has seemed to fly by. And yet, a few months ago I thought... "no way I can last 2 more years!!" .. we'll see?

I have another sore throat. I'm anxious to get rid of this, not just because of the obvious discomfort, but because after meeting A.W., I realize the seriousness that any throat problem can prove to be. I think that it's just due to the "mold" count being so high right now.

But all of this has no mention of bike riding. Glad you noticed. But now it does. Ha. Dorkness again.
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